Photo of Emily A. Williams, MD

Emily A. Williams, MD

530 South Cowley Street
Spokane, WA 99202
1780.7 miles away
Speaks: English

Plastic Surgery Northwest, PLLC

530 South Cowley Street, Spokane, WA 99202

About Emily A. Williams

Since arriving in Spokane in 2010, Dr. Williams has focused on providing outstanding care for her aesthetic and reconstructive patients. In addition to her busy clinical practice, Dr. Williams is a community leader, having served as President of the Washington Society of Plastic Surgeons, as well as being engaged in the physician leadership of Sacred Heart Medical Center. Dr. Williams is a native of the Northwest. She was a National Merit Scholar at Willamette University from 1994-1998, where she majored in biology. She was a four-year varsity athlete in both cross-country and track, captain of the Women’s Cross Country team, and was honored as an NAIA All-American Scholar Athlete in 1996. Dr. Williams attended the University of Washington School of Medicine from 2000-2004, where she discovered a passion for the diversity and complexity of plastic surgery. Thereafter she entered the University of Washington Plastic Surgery Residency program, graduating in 2010. During her tenure in residency, Dr. Williams was honored with numerous awards, including recognition by Harborview Medical Center for her “exemplary skill, compassion, and care for children,” the first time a surgery resident had ever been so honored. Dr. Williams maintains her passion for the remarkable variety of patient needs that plastic surgery can address. Pursuit of her goal to offer advanced reconstructive procedures, including microvascular free flap breast reconstruction, while continuing to maintain the diversity classically encompassed by plastic surgery, led her to the unique medical community in Spokane, Washington. Dr. Williams lives in Spokane with her husband, Matt Beard, and their dog, Yurdis. They enjoy all types of outdoor activities, including trail running, golfing, and skiing. Spokane is a perfect personal and professional fit. Dr. Williams takes deep pride in her work and patient relationships. View Dr. Williams’s results.

Board Certifications
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery
Plastic Surgery Northwest, PLLC
530 South Cowley Street
Spokane, WA 99202

Clinical Interests

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Cosmetic Facial Surgery
  • Liposuction
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