Domestic violence during covid-19

Avoiding public spaces and working remotely can help to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but for many domestic abuse survivors, staying home may not be the safest option. We know that any external factors that add stress and financial strain can negatively impact survivors and create circumstances where their safety is further compromised.

Abuse is about power and control. When survivors are forced to stay in the home or in close proximity to their abuser more frequently, an abuser can use any tool to exert control over their victim, including a national health concern such as COVID-19. 

Abuse can take many forms, but here are some ways offered by the National Domestic Violence Hotline that abusers control their victims during the ongoing health crisis: 

  • Withholding necessary items such as sanitizers
  • Sharing misinformation to intentionally frighten their victim
  • Hide insurance information so their victim can't get the care they need. 

Visit National Domestic Violence Hotline to learn how to create a safety plan, practice self-care and reach out for help. 

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