How CIOs are preparing for COVID-19 vaccines

Providence's B.J. Moore speaks with Becker's Hospital Review on the preparations for the COVID-19 vaccine distribution. 

"'Our [information security] works closely with our clinical teams to ensure the EHR tools are ready to go and our caregivers are supported so they can support our patients,' he said. 'We stood up teams to focus on multiple vaccine distribution work streams.'

Looking ahead, Providence is considering acquiring additional iPads and laptops to make the documentation process more efficient.

'The vaccine distribution will require many aspects of IS services including tracking, documentation, reporting and supporting multiple methods of delivery,' Mr. Moore said.

Providence also is working closely with federal agencies to track and share data, Mr. Moore said. In addition to his IT role, Mr. Moore oversees real estate and operations for the health system, areas that are integral to vaccine storage and distribution. The health system may buy more freezers and build traditional and alternative vaccine delivery sites."

Read more on how other healthcare system CIOs are preparing.

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