Op-Ed from SJCPF Board Member: My Parents Were Essential Workers —and They Were Treated Like It

In an August LA Times Op-Ed, SJCPF Board Member, Joe Lumarda, recounts the care, dignity, and respect that both of his parents experienced on a daily basis from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange as essential workers years ago. His memories and account are a timely reminder that the purpose and the work of the St. Joseph Community Partnership Fund (SJCPF) is more important now than ever before. His words reflect our legacy, our philosophy and our commitments.

As Joe so eloquently put it: our fellow community members who are in positions of essential work deserve to be treated with appreciation and respect, not just when they are at their jobs, but always. The St. Joseph Community Partnership Fund cannot solve all of the pressing challenges this community is facing, but we can help to provide support to nonprofit organizations that support essential workers in our communities. This is why the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange established the St. Joseph Community Partnership Fund. The heart of our mission is to serve as an extension of Christ's healing ministry, provides funding and assistance to improve the health and well-being of the economically poor, and utilizes the strengths and diversity of our neighbors to build vibrant communities.

Read his full Op-Ed here.

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