How HMR Healthy Solutions® helped Roger reach his weight loss goal

Roger changed his out look on life and has lost almost 100 pounds 

In April 2021, Roger’s journey to his 100-pound weight loss began. Leading up to his transformation, he was experiencing pain in his hips, constantly feeling tired, and using a walking stick. At this time, Roger’s physician also informed him that he needed a hip replacement. In an effort to lose weight before the procedure, he started to see a diet coach who introduced him to the HMR Healthy Solutions program at Providence. Roger was stunned when the doctor wrote “morbidly obese,” on his chart. At that moment, he was more determined than ever to make a change.

With the encouragement of his wife, Roger was driven to take the program head on. He said, “In the first few weeks you can feel your metabolism changing and working. The meal plan gives you the right portions of proteins and carbohydrates, and you can eat all the fruits and vegetables that you want.” His cravings for unhealthy foods decreased tremendously, and he was excited about the variety of food choices the HMR meal plan offered.

Meal prepping has always been a challenge for Roger, but thankfully HMR makes mealtime simple by providing easy recipes filled with quality tasty ingredients.

The group dynamic and Providence coaches at HMR Healthy Solutions played a huge role in Roger’s success. Roger said the classes that he attends every week were his lifeline and support system. “In each class you learn different ways to help you reach your goals and you’re held accountable when tracking your progress. If someone falls off track, they are given the support and guidance they need to get back on track.”

Along with healthy eating habits and support from his group and coaches, exercise has also played a key role in Roger’s weight loss journey. He enjoys racket ball, walking, fly fishing and even the occasional ballroom dancing class with his wife. Since losing the weight, he has been able to walk up to one and half miles a day and has noticed a tremendous difference in how his hip feels following his weight loss.

“This program has been life changing and has changed my outlook on life,” Roger concludes. “Nothing is out of the realm of possibilities.”

Roger has now transitioned to Phase 2, the maintenance phase, of the HMR program. He is learning to incorporate lean proteins and whole grains into his diet, continue his physical activity, and maintain his weight loss with support from Providence health coaches and a new Phase 2 class.

Roger is looking forward to his retirement in a year and is excited to finally participate in the “4 Corners Tour” with his son. The “4 Corners Tour” is a 21-day motorcycle ride where you travel 700 miles to four cities in the United States. He admits that without his weight loss journey this would not be possible.

Way to go Roger!

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