Queen of the Valley is proud to support affordable housing for residents with very low income as well as permanent supportive housing

Queen of the Valley is proud to support the Heritage House and Valle Verde project which will offer more affordable housing options and support to Napa County community members in need.

We proudly provided $1 million in 2021 to support the construction of the Heritage House (which will offer 33 permanent supportive housing units and 33 affordable housing units for those with a very low income) and Valle Verde (which will include 24 multi-family affordable housing units for those with a very low income).

Terry Wooten, chief executive of Queen of the Valley, was one of the guest speakers at a recent groundbreaking event. He shared how honored the hospital feels to support this project, alongside other local nonprofits, for-profits, governments agencies and others. After all, housing is more than just four walls and a roof—housing is a chance to live the healthiest life possible. It is essential to one’s well-being—physically, mentally and socially—it creates community.

The permanent supportive housing units at Heritage House will offer both ongoing rental assistance to those in need along with supportive services, such as health and mental health care for chronically homeless households. Our CARE Network will be providing medical case management to future residents who will reside in these units.

This is just one example of how we're committed to investing in our community. To learn more, read our Annual Report to our Communities: http://provhealth.org/6180bIO1O

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