Survivorship care at Providence Regional Cancer Partnership


In this article:

  • Providence Regional Cancer Partnership offers a free six-week Survivorship Series to help you adjust to life after treatment.
  • Cancer survivors have access to a range of post-treatment groups and services.
  • Your doctor can help you determine which Survivorship series is right for you.

Cancer survivorship begins at the time of diagnosis and continues throughout the lifespan. There are estimated to be more than 18 million cancer survivors in the United States, representing more than 5% of the population. The number of survivors is expected to increase about 30% over the next 10 years, with about 67% living for more than 5 years, and 18% living for more than 20 years after diagnosis. We are pleased to have programs available onsite at the Cancer Partnership for this growing patient population.

Survivorship Series

At the Cancer Partnership, we recognize that patients have specific needs after completing active treatment. Survivorship care has been a developing part of our program over the years, and we are dedicated to providing appropriate treatment for patients from diagnosis, through treatment, to wellness.

The Survivorship Program at Providence Regional Cancer Partnership consists of two primary components: The Survivorship Medical Appointment and the Survivorship Series.

At the completion of active treatment, many patients are scheduled for a survivorship medical appointment, at which time they receive a Cancer Treatment Summary and a Survivorship Care Plan. This visit focuses on management of ongoing symptoms, awareness of potential late effects, healthy lifestyle, and psychosocial aspects of cancer survivorship. A plan is put in place to transition some care back to primary care, while maintaining appropriate oversight and follow-up with oncology.

The Survivorship Series is a 6-week series designed to help patients adjust to life after treatment. The series is facilitated by Patient Support staff, with presentations from specialists to answer questions related to management of late effects, maximizing wellness through diet, exercise and self-care, and addressing the emotional impact of cancer.

Cancer survivors also have access to a range of groups and services post-treatment including, but not limited to, dietary counseling, integrative medicine services, individual and family counseling, art therapy, yoga, and the Living Beyond Cancer support group.

Discussion topics include:

  • Continuing your journey
  • Discovering meaning
  • Managing long-term side effects
  • Incorporating exercise and activities
  • Healthy choices and self-care
  • New priorities and living with uncertainty
  • Moving forward with a plan
  • Integrative and complimentary medicine

The Survivorship Series is held quarterly, and it meets on 6 consecutive Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 p. m. on Zoom. To learn more, visit the Survivorship Series to register or call 425.297.5520.

Contributing Caregiver

Dr. Kathryn Johnson, PhD, ATR, is a psychologist at The Everett Clinic, sees patients at the Shoreline clinic, and is also a credentialed art therapist and leads an art therapy group at our Providence Regional Cancer Partnership

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