Abuse Center Advocates Provide Support in Times of Crisis

Healthy Relationships Series, sponsored by the Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse.

Consent is what draws the line between an acceptable and unacceptable sexual experience. Were the actions wanted and agreed upon by both parties? If not, that’s where advocates come in.

The advocates at the Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse (PICAA) work closely with law enforcement and medical personnel to ensure each victim's rights are protected, and their needs are met. They provide emotional support, legal-process information, and referrals to other community resources. PICAA advocates also help victims navigate the complex process of seeking justice and healing.

PICAA advocates are there to:

  • Help you through a crisis — whether at the hospital or in our clinic at Dawson Place.
  • Support you on your healing journey and celebrate with you when you begin to heal.
  • Lean on and help you while life is at its most chaotic.

Everyone's situation is unique. Call an advocate 24/7 at 425-252-4800 to discuss your options and determine what help looks like for you.

What to do after experiencing an assault.

After an assault, the choices to make and services available can be overwhelming. Often the best thing to do is to talk with a confidential advocate to discuss your options. A Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse advocate is available 24/7 at 425-252-4800.

Are you safe?

If you are in danger, call 911. If you can’t safely make a phone call, text 911. Include your address or location so the police can help you.

If you need medical attention, go to the emergency department. If you would like a forensic medical exam to document injuries and collect evidence, or require further support after an assault, let the hospital know. Our team of advocates and nurses will be called to meet you there.

Do you need medical attention?

A forensic nurse, who specializes in helping victims of physical or sexual assault and abuse, can provide medical care at emergency departments in Snohomish County. You can also call our clinic at 425-297-5770 to make an appointment Monday through Friday.

The cost of  initial medical exams for sexual assault victims are covered by the state. Our advocates will help you fill out the paperwork. Do not let concerns about money prevent you from seeking services.

Is there evidence that can be collected?

After an assault, physical or sexual forensic nurses may collect DNA evidence. The collection process is completely consent based and voluntary. If you have questions about assault-evidence collection, feel free to call us.

 If you are over the age of 18, evidence can be collected anonymously and stored. This preserves the evidence while giving you time to decide if you want to report the assault. The collection of evidence occurs during a medical exam at no cost to the patient.

Seek help.

Please know that what happened to you is not your fault and you are not alone. Whether your assault took place an hour ago – or 20 years ago -- you can call PICAA at any time to talk with an advocate or access support services.

If you, or someone you know, needs PICAA’s services, call our 24/7 hotline at 425-252-4800 to speak with an advocate about your care options. You can also visit the Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse Everett | Providence website.

Forensic exams are available at multiple locations. The Providence Intervention Center for Assault and Abuse clinic is open during business hours Monday-Friday, and has advocates and medical providers that can complete a forensic exam. Exams can also be completed in emergency departments throughout Snohomish County. Contact our 24/7 advocacy line to identify which location would be best for you: 425-252-4800.

Find a doctor

If you need a doctor, you can use our provider directory. Through Providence Express Care Virtual, you can also access a full range of health care services.

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This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your healthcare professional's instructions.

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