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Information about Providence’s negotiation with Regence and Asuris in Washington state

Providence is working with Regence BlueShield of Washington to agree to new reimbursement terms for our commercial and Medicare Advantage contracts in Washington state. Regence operates as Asuris Northwest Health in eastern Washington and also administers the Uniform Medical Plan (UMP) for Washington State's PEBB (Public Employees Benefits Board) and SEBB (School Employees Benefits Board) Programs. These negotiations apply to Asuris and UMP members as well.  


While negotiations are a standard process, Regence/Asuris is required to inform members that all Providence, Providence Swedish, PacMed and Kadlec hospitals and clinics in Washington may be out of network for their members if new contracts are not reached. Providence’s current commercial contract with Regence/Asuris expires on April 1, 2025, and our Medicare Advantage contract expires on April 15, 2025  


What you should know 

  • This does not affect anyone immediately.Right now, patients with Regence or Asuris insurance can still receive in-network care at Providence as we negotiate a new contract.  

  • We are hopeful to come to agreement with Regence/Asuris before the expiration dates to avoid any disruption to their members’ ability to receive care at our hospitals and clinics.  

  • Regence/Asuris members may receive a letter from their insurer about our negotiations.  

  • Patients with questions about their coverage should contact Regence/Asuris by calling the number on the back of their member ID card.  


What is happening and why?    

Providence is negotiating with Regence/Asuris in Washington for new reimbursement terms for our commercial and Medicare Advantage (MA) contracts in Washington state. Negotiations are a standard process, and we are hopeful to come to agreement with Regence/Asuris before the expiration dates to avoid any disruption to their members’ ability to receive care at our hospitals and clinics.   

Note: Commercial health insurance refers to private plans typically purchased by individuals or provided by employers as part of employee benefits packages.  


When do our contracts expire?   

If we do not agree on new commercial and MA contracts with Regence/Asuris, Providence hospitals and clinics in Washington will be out of network on April 1, 2025, for Regence and Asuris members with commercial insurance and April 15, 2025, for those enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan through Regence or Asuris.  


What does out of network mean?     

“Out of network” means Providence does not have a contract with an insurer. Patients with an insurance that is out of network with our doctors and facilities might pay a different, likely higher amount than if their insurance had a contract with us (in network).   


Can Regence and Asuris members continue to see their Providence doctor/clinician?     

Yes – this does not affect anyone immediately. Right now, patients with Regence/Asuris insurance can still receive in-network care at Providence hospitals and clinics as we negotiate a new contract. However, patients should contact Regence/Asuris directly with questions about how their insurance coverage may be impacted if our contracts expire. Their out-of-pocket costs may be higher after the expiration dates if we don’t come to an agreement.     


Who do I contact about my concerns?    

Patients should contact Regence or Asuris directly with questions about their insurance coverage, including out-of-network vs. in-network benefits and continuity of care, by calling the number on the back of their member ID card. 


Providence’s first focus is our patients. We know you rely on us to keep you and your family healthy, and we want to sincerely thank you for entrusting us with your care. As always, Providence has a team of financial counselors available to help those who are uninsured, underinsured or otherwise unable to pay for their health care, providing assistance with medical bills, including free or discounted care. Patients can learn more on our financial assistance website.    



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